
Thursday, January 25, 2007

My New book...... "CUT"

I started reading a new book... which is called "Cut" i just started reading it and havent got too far only a couple of pages. So far its about a girl who runs cross country and she ended up being last so instead of finishing the race she just runs all the way home. When she gets home she finds out that no one is there. She starts to get upset, when she look at there kitchen table and relized that they never eat there anymore, she begans to look at all the junk on the table. A batting, a glue gun, a doily, a 1997 Krafty Kitchen catalogue, and a special craft knife with the word Exacto, its very sleek with a thin triangular blade. She touches a ribbon with the blade and unfurled into two pices and fell to the ground. She put the triangular blade to her skin and made one perfect stright line........


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